
MakeIt Labs Corp.

7/20/2011 Board Meeting

Public Meeting Notes




Membership Sign-on Process

Non-member out policy

Member out policy


It was agreed that any fees associated with training hobbyist members shall be split 50/50 between trainer and MakeIt Labs.


Class agreement approved, legalize form.


For Students

Classes can be taken by members, membership is not required (although members receive discounts).  For legal reasons, some form of membership is required for non-member class participants (transparent to them)

For Instructors:

Instructors receive

Instructors are responsible for:

MakeIt Labs Corp receives 40% gross revenue from the class.

All classes are subject to majority board approval before they will be publicly offered.


Space Rentals

Any member requesting space rental requires majority approval from the board (used to be unanimous) for both the ability to rent and the location of the rental.  If a Board member is requesting rental, or has a conflict of interest related to the rental, they must abstain from vote.  Rental approval is for space only.  Any additional amenities such as excessive electricity, water, venting, etc. require an agreement beyond the standard plot rental and may be subject to additional expense.

These rentals run on a month-to-month at-will basis for $100/mo

It was discussed that space rentals should be in the spirit of a hackerspace and not “private offices” but no vote was made on this matter since it was decided that each space needs board approval anyway and these concerns could be addressed on a case by case basis

Rolling Benches require approval of a single board member, must fit a 6x3’ footprint, and will have a designated parking area, location TBD.

Space rental approvals pending formalization:

Paul - 1 plot at or near current location

Adam - 1 plot, current location of TR6

Joe - 1 plot, next to laser (laser not included in plot), somewhere between bathroom and emergency exit.


We are agreeing to coast on assignment of worktrade tasks for a week, worktrade should show initiative (will help them get worktrade).