Burn! (safely)
How to Use the MakeIt Labs Burn Pit
**You must call the Nashua Fire Marshal's office before burning, no exceptions**
(603) 594-3636
**All burns at MakeIt Labs must be coordinated through Paul Hardin or Bill Foss, no exceptions.**
Permission to burn is at the discretion of the Fire Marshal's office, and may be denied (dry conditions, etc).
Category I: Minimum of 25’ from any structure; “a small controlled fire, such as a camp or cooking fire, no greater than two feet in diameter contained in a ring of fire-resistive material or in a portable fireplace.”
Category II: Minimum of 50’ from any structure; “a small controlled fire, such as a camp or cooking fire, no greater than four feet in diameter contained in a ring of fire-resistive material or in a portable fireplace.”
All fires must observe the following:
Hose connected to spigot, stretched, and charged.
Fire must be attended at ALL times
No construction materials
Materials 5” or less in diameter
Permit valid 5:00pm - midnight; expires December 31 of year issued.
Nashua Fire Marshal: Adam Pouliot
(603) 589-3460
Fax (603) 589-3474