Parts room

The Parts room is located off the cleanspace and contains not only components / pieces for projects, but also tools for cleanspace usage, as well as other consumables.



We have several piles of consumables in the parts room.  While we do our best to make sure they stay in stock, we do run out.  If any of the following items starts running low, please let the RM know.


There's a tool rack in the parts room that holds tools for use in the cleanspace.  These tools should be treated with care and respect, and returned to their racks when done being used.  If you notice a tool missing, or a tool is damaged and it's nowhere obvious, contact the RM. We have spare tools, and there's going to be breakage and wear.  It's better to let us know rather than just assume someone else will get to it.

The current tools list - if there's a tool not on this list you think the cleanspace should have, let us know (Note, this is a draft list, and is being worked on for more detail, bear with us :)