Some advertising ideas:
Postings through the local community center
Church bulletin boards
Pay kids to spread flyers across the land
Get stickers and hand them out like candy (needs new logo)
Go to hackery-events, pass around brochures. (brochure in member files)
The Hippo and Broadcaster would probably be glad to do a story on us. Telegraph was huge success.
Things to do right away:
Create a one page 8x11 that can be posted anywhere members see fit.
Contact public access and ask about advertising time.
Ideas about relationships to start forming with local community organizations and local outlets:
Technical High Schools
Merrimack Valley Homeschooling Association
Local post-seconday
Look for members in groups + create group
2600 group meetups
We need to discuss how we can involve children and students in activities at MakeIt. My first instinct is through classes but maybe a child/supervisor membership level or events just for families.
Todo note: Need to make accounts on vimeo and eventbrite. Board needs access to twitter and youtube accounts.