Materials and Consumables
Project Wood
There are several places in the shop where project wood is kept. This wood is free for anyone to use (just don't be greedy!). It is recommended that members who have left-over wood that could be used by others add it to the available materials.
There are two wall-mounted racks for long boards. These are found on the Northeast and Southeast walls (on the left and straight ahead as you're facing into the wood shop).
Under the project table there is a place for smaller pieces of wood, mostly cut-offs and remainder pieces.
Between the two lathes are some pieces for turning.
Next to the table saw is a bin for small bits, mostly destined to be burned, but some useful scraps may be found.
Adjacent to the Purple Wall is a space for plywood.
Glue, Stain, Wood Filler, etc...
Wood glue can be found on the rack with the clamps. Additionally, glue applicators can be found on the rack. PLEASE remember to clean the applicators after use and to close up the glue bottles. If the glue appears to be low, please notify the resource manager to order more.
There should be a tube of CA glue in in the bins with the lathe tools for use in pen-making.
In the cabinet on the right-hand side as you're entering the woodshop there can be found an assortment of random stains and finishing products. These are not kept stocked and, like many others, are left-overs from others' projects.
There may be a conainer of wood filler in the cabinet as well, but this is not kept stocked.
There may also be a small amount of resin found underneath the stain cabinet. It may or may not be any good, use at your own risk.
Screws, Nails, Fasteners, Hardware
Along the Southwest counter-area (on the right-hand side as you're facing into the wood shop) there can be found an assortment of screws, nails, and hardware. This is not kept stocked and, like project wood, if you have leftovers from a project, you are encouraged to add them to the collection. There is also a box of drywall screws to be found under the miter saw bench on the opposite wall.
There is a finishing nail gun with nails and a stapler with staples in a plastic bin found under the drill press.
Sources of Materials
Wood for projects can be obtained from a variety of places. The two most commonly-used sources are Home Depot and Lowes, however the quality of the wood available from both chains is inconsistent. For common framing lumber (i.e. 2x4s) and plywood, this may be acceptable. For quality wood for projects, however, you will want to find alternative sources.
Highland Hardwoods
407 Route 125, Brentwood, NH
Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Highland stocks a variety of common and exotic hardwoods as well as tools and supplies. Bargains can often be found in their shorts sections.