3D Deep Engraving in EZCAD3
Cheat Sheet
References from video (above)
To Create a 3D Engrave
Press "3D" button on toolbar to enter 3D Mode
Import a 3D STL file or Grayscale depth-map file from right most buttons. Be sure HEIGHT is correct in STL file, or specified correctly in Depth-Map import dialog.
(Rotation and placement may be minimally adjusted but buttons on toolbar)
Press the "Slice Impored FIle" button.
Adjust the top and bottom (min and max) Z values for your model (usually, just press buttons for entire model
Specify the depth of each layer to slice - which will result in how many total layers you will be engraving
(If layers come in in wrong order - select or unselect the "Z" order checkbox
This will create a "Slicing Tangent" object in the object list. Apply Pen and Hatch settings for this as usual.
Make sure "Dynamic Hatch" is selected for the object
Click through the object layers, making sure each will engrave properly.
If Engraving seems inverted: "Add counour" via procedure below (or invert bitmap)
If slicing is happening in the wrong order: Delete slicing tangent object, re-click slice button - and check/uncheck the "Z"-order button to try again
REMEMBER: Layer "1" is the first layer the laser will engrave. As layer numbers increase - this refers to deeper layers into your workpiece.
Set Contour
Important if your model is "inverted" - i.e. lasing where you want to KEEP metal.
Import and Slice your 3D object (above)
Draw a contour object around your sliced layers (e.g. a circle) - this will show up in the object list below your "Slicing Tangent" (Sliced layers)
Select the "Slicing Tangent" in the object list (i.e. your sliced layers)
Press the "Add Countour" button below
IMMEDIATLEY select the contour object you drew. (Make sure you immediatley, clicked it - and was showing "hand" icon when doing so).
If you did this properly - You will see a breif dialog box pop-up and disappear - then the newly-added contour object (circle) will DISSAPEAR from the object list.
If you select you "Slicing Tangent" object and click through the layers - you will see they are now inverted, and bounded by your contour object.